Need Skills? – Continuing Education Courses Are a Fast, Flexible Alternative to Bachelor’s Degrees

Need Skills? - Continuing Education Courses Are a Fast, Flexible Alternative to Bachelor's Degrees

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Kristina Ogilvie already had a Bachelor’s in English and a Master’s in Humanities under her belt when she discovered an unknown talent and passion for graphic design. So rather than begin a four-year Bachelor’s program, she did the smart thing: she enrolled in a continuing education course.

For professionals like Ogilvie who are looking to enter a new field, continuing education classes are an attractive option in a tough economy. Not only are they faster and less expensive than Bachelor’s programs, but they often allow students to continue working while they gain the skills they need to make a career change. (Some courses are even offered online.)

In Ogilvie’s case, this new career will be one in which she can build on the graphic design talent she discovered in her current position as Department Assistant at Northwestern University. To complete graphic design projects that her department needed, Ogilvie …

Need Skills? – Continuing Education Courses Are a Fast, Flexible Alternative to Bachelor’s Degrees Read More

All About University Foundation Courses

All About University Foundation Courses

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If your first language is not English but you wish to student at a UK university, a University Foundation course is an excellent step towards getting you where you want to be.

Even if your English skills are good, a University Foundation course will also improve the academic and research skills which are essential for higher education in the UK. The aim of university access courses is to ensure that students are prepared in all ways for UK higher education – that includes both linguistically and psychologically. Preparing in this way means that students are then able to make the absolute most of their degree course or MA in the UK.

Courses are available which are tailored for an undergraduate degree or an MA and the programmes are split into language skills and academic skills.

Undergraduate university foundation courses are aimed at those wishing to enter undergraduate arts, …

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